Breastfeeding Tips For New Mothers

The early days of motherhood are a whirlwind of emotions for new moms. The arrival of a precious newborn brings immense joy but also a healthy dose of nervousness, especially when it comes to breastfeeding.  Breastfeeding is a natural and beautiful way to nourish your little ones, providing them with essential nutrients and antibodies to support their growth and development. However, those first-time mom breastfeeding sessions can feel overwhelming for many new moms.  Here, we’ll equip you with essential tips and resources to navigate this initial stage and establish a successful breastfeeding journey.

Embrace the Learning Curve:

Every Breastfeeding Journey Is Unique

First and foremost, remember that breastfeeding is a learned skill for both you and your baby. There’s no pressure to get it perfect right away. Every first-time mom and baby is unique, and your breastfeeding journey will unfold at its own pace. Be patient with yourself and your little one as you learn the ropes together.

Seek Professional Guidance and Support

Don’t hesitate to seek professional help! Lactation consultants are specially trained individuals who can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout your breastfeeding journey.  They can assess your latch, address any concerns about nipple pain or milk supply, and offer personalized advice to ensure a comfortable and successful breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.

Listen to Your Body’s Needs

Breastfeeding is a demanding process, both physically and emotionally. It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being during this time. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and eating a healthy diet that nourishes both you and your baby. 

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends with household chores or errands so you can focus on feeding your little one.

Find a Comfortable Nursing Position

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to breastfeeding positions. Experiment with different positions to find what feels most comfortable and supportive for you and your baby. Some common positions include the cradle hold, the cross-cradle hold, the football hold, and the side-lying position. Trying different positions can help you find one that alleviates any discomfort and allows for a deeper latch.

Focus on a Deep Latch

A good latch is essential for effective breastfeeding and to prevent nipple pain. Ensure your baby’s mouth is wide open, and their lips are flanged outward, encompassing a large portion of your breast tissue, not just the nipple. Observe your baby’s sucking pattern; a deep latch should involve rhythmic sucks with pauses for swallowing. It might be a sign of a shallow latch if you’re experiencing any discomfort or pain during feeding. Consult a lactation consultant for personalized guidance on achieving a deep and comfortable latch.

Frequent Feedings Establish Supply and Demand

Newborns have tiny stomachs and need to eat frequently, around 8-12 times a day in the initial weeks. Frequent breastfeeding nourishes your baby and helps establish your milk supply. Pay attention to your baby’s hunger cues, such as rooting, fussiness, and hand-to-mouth movements. Don’t wait for your baby to cry before offering the breast. Feeding on demand ensures they get the nourishment they need to thrive and helps regulate their milk production.

Trust Your Intuition and Your Baby’s Cues

As a first-time mom, you’ll develop an intuitive understanding of your baby’s needs. Learn to recognize their hunger cues and feeding patterns. Trust your instincts and respond to your baby’s signals; feeding on demand will ensure they get the nourishment they need to thrive.

Embrace the Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact

Skin-to-skin contact, often called kangaroo care, offers numerous benefits for you and your baby. It promotes bonding, regulates your baby’s temperature, and even stimulates milk production.  Hold your baby skin-to-skin after birth and during feeding sessions to create a calming and nurturing environment.

As new moms navigate their breastfeeding journey, Kido Bebe, a Montreal-based baby store, supports you every step of the way. We offer a wide selection of breastfeeding supplies designed to make this experience as comfortable and successful as possible. From supportive nursing pillows and comfortable bras to nipple creams and soothing lotions, we have everything you need to feel confident and empowered.


Breastfeeding is a beautiful journey that fosters a deep bond between you and your baby as a first-time mom. While the initial stages may come with challenges, remember you are not alone. You can establish a successful breastfeeding routine with patience, practice, and the support of resources and professionals. Trust your instincts, listen to your baby’s cues, and prioritize your well-being. Kido Bebe is here to provide you with the knowledge, guidance, and essential supplies you need to feel confident and empowered throughout your breastfeeding journey. Don’t hesitate to contact our knowledgeable staff or browse our extensive selection of breastfeeding products online. Together, we can help make this nourishing experience a positive and memorable one for you and your little one.